In general, the earlier in the session the entry is taken the better the chances for success. In fact, the ideal is an entry within the first 10 minutes of the session. In that case, an immediate continuation in the direction of the breakout is likely. When you get a large price movement in one direction within the first 15 minutes of the session (early entry), the protective stop can be moved to break-even very quickly and the trade is free. 一般来说,盘中进场信号越早成功的机会越大。事实上,盘中前10分钟是理想的进场信号。在这种情况下,突破方向的持续是可能的。当你在开盘后15分钟顺势进行交易,应该运用移动保护止损点来保护仓位快进快出。 The more time that passes between the open and trade entry, the lower the probability of success. Adjust the size of your position downward as the day goes on. The worst entry is just before the close when time is running out and it is difficult to realize a profit. The objective of these entry techniques is to establish a position for a two- to three-day run, but this is successful only if a substantial profit is realized by the end of the first session. 开盘价运行到进场进场信号所花的时间越长,成功的可能就越低。随着时间要降低仓位。最糟糕的进场信号是那些发生在收盘前的,他们很难有时间去实现当日赢利了。这一进场信号的目标是2-3天,但只有在进场当天已经获得比较大的利润的前提下才有可能实现。 After the trade is entered the clock starts ticking. The ideal trade will show a profit almost
instantaneously. The longer it takes to move away from the point of entry, the more vulnerable the position. In general, stops should be moved to a break-even within one hour after entry. A market that displays greater tendency to trend should be given less time than an hour. 这种早早进场的方法,理想情况是进场后马上就有利润。价格移动所花费的时间越长,交易越容易失败,一般进场后一个小时就已经获利了,有趋势的市场应该在前一个小时表现出他的趋势。 For example, the S&P usually takes no more than five to 10 minutes before a clear getaway occurs. When judging the market action after entry, compare it to examples of ideal, early entries with immediate profit and persistent followthrough thereafter. Action that varies from the ideal is suspect. 例如标普期指通常5-10分钟就有一个明确的信号发生。进场信号后判断市场,比较它和理想状态在瞬时赢利和持续性上的差别。不同于理想情况的价格行为都是可疑的。 The ORB can be utilized as a general indicator of bias every day. Whichever side of the stretch is traded first will indicate bias in that direction for the next two to three hours of the session. This information alone will keep you out of trouble, if nothing else. ORB可以作为判断每天方向的一个指标,向哪一方向出现扩张现象,在接下来的2-3小时就很可能持续这个方向运动。若无其他事情发生,这个信息可以让你远离麻烦了。 Multiple contracts can be used when entering on an ORB or ORBP. This allows for some profit taking as the move continues to guarantee at least some profit in the case of a pullback to the break-even stop. A trailing stop is also very effective. 很多合约品种都可以使用ORB和ORBP判断。利用跟踪止赢策略来保持在回调中处于盈亏平衡的状态。尾盘出场策略也是很有效的。 If you miss the ORB and early entry occurred, any 3/8 to 1/2 retracement of the established range can be used as an entry point with stops beyond the 5/8 level. This technique can be utilized twice, but becomes treacherous on the third retracement. 如果你错过了ORB和早盘进场信号,3/8-1/2的回调也可以进场,同时配合5/8处的止损保护点。此方法可以用两次,第三次就比较危险了。 In summary, the open is a primary market indicator. Without an understanding of its importance and the market action around it, it is difficult to come to correct conclusions about market direction. On certain days the open acts as an ideal point of entry upon breakout. On any day that such a breakout occurs within the first 10 minutes of trade, the information is overwhelmingly in favor of a continuation of that move. It a trade does not use these entry techniques systematically they should at least be utilized as a general indicator of bias. 综上,开盘价是市场一个重要指标。不理解它的重要性和其周围时段的价格行为,很难对市场方向进行准确研判。在特定的日子里开盘价是很好的突破切入点。在任何开盘后10分钟产生突破现象的日子里,很多时候都会持续运行在这个方向上。这项技术不被作为进场点技术至少也可以用于判断价格运行方向。 Early entry is defined as a large price movement in one direction within the first five minutes after the open of the daily session. A study of early entry is essentially a study of price action, and the type of price action that takes place on early entry shows that participants are urgent about entering the market. It is a distinct recognition of either a profitable or dangerous situation. 早间进场信号是指开盘后5分钟第一个较大的价格移动。早间进场信号的研究主要是对价格行为及其类型的研究,发生早间进场信号说明有一些市场参与者迫切的进入市场,它是一种对赢利机会或是风险的独特识别。 It should be noted that directional moves of this nature are relatively rare and may occur only 10% of the time. Most days (70% to 80%), prices exhibit rotation or choppy action and the first five to 10 minutes of trading are sluggish and directionless without a clear movement away from the opening range. 应该指出,这种自然的定向移动现象是比较少见的,10天里大概也就有1天。大部分日子里(70%-80%是时候)价格在开盘后5-10分钟里是盘旋震荡的,它漫无方向的缓缓离开开盘范围。 The early entry price action is ideal when using an opening range breakout for entry. An opening range breakout is a trade taken at a predetermined amount above or below the opening range. The open should act as one extreme of this range. 当使用开盘区间突破的方法进场时早盘发生价格定向移动是理想的。开盘区间突破是通过开盘区间上下加减预定的数值范围进行交易。开盘价应该作为当日振幅范围的一端。 I have observed two types of early entry. The characteristics of Type 1 (Figures 1 and 2) are as follows:The first five minute time period has a larger range than normal. ("Normal" is roughly defined as the average of the preceding 10 days' first five-minute ranges.) 我观察到了两种类型的早间进场信号。第一种的特点如下:(图一和图二)开盘后第一个5分钟有比正常情况更大的振幅。(“正常情况”是指大概以往10天开盘后前5分钟振幅的平均值)