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求翻译 江恩的The Magic Word 一书!

发表于 2012-5-11 11:26:28 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 火焰之神 于 2015-4-8 22:40 编辑

Love thy neighbour as thyself. Love those who hate us and try to help instead of fight them. With the advance in science and modern weapons of war the world cannot stand a third World War. Civilization will be wiped out. The smartest men we have know this to be a fact. The people must be aroused and made to realize that they must not support and follow political leaders whose aim is to lead our whole country into war in order to hold their own jobs. The taxpayer should be willing to be taxed for money to be used to bring about universal peace, but not for taxes to start another war which, if we could win, would not solve the problem. If the people were allowed to vote on war there would be no war. If women were allowed to vote to decide whether or not there would be another war, they would not vote to send their sons to be slaughtered. The Divine Law of love must be followed sooner or later. The United States should take the lead in starting the move for universal peace, and let the world know it does not want to fight and that war can never permanently settle any problem. If we do this, then we can look forward to a better world and universal peace. 爱你的邻居如爱你自己。爱那些憎恨我们的人,以帮助代替厮杀。随着科学和现代化武器的发展,地球已经不能承受第三次世界大战。文明将被摧毁。我们中最聪明的人知道这是一个事实。人们必须被唤醒,要认识到他们不必支持、跟随那些为了保持他们自己的职业而带领我们国家进入战争的政治领袖。纳税人应该乐意于所纳的税被用于世界和平的方面,而不是为另一场即使我们赢了也不能解决问题的战争纳税。如果人们被允许就战争进行投票,将会没有战争。如果妇女被允许投票决定是否将有另一次战争,她们决不会投票让她们的儿子被屠杀。神关于爱的诫律迟早要被追随。美国应该领头世界和平行动,让世界知道它不想要战斗,战争从来不能永久地解决任何问题。如果我们这样做,那么我们可以期待一个更美好的世界和普世的和平。

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